About the Business
Founded in 2009, Big Talent Group is a leading celebrity talent booking agency. Whether you are a celebrity looking for an agent, or an individual or organisation that’s looking to hire celebrities or raise their profile in the press, Big Talent Group can help. Big Talent Group act as an agent for a diverse range of celebrities.

Be it actors, recording artists, reality stars, entrepreneurs or politicians, Big Talent Group have the resources to take celebrities to the next level, regardless of whether they are just starting out or are already household names. As a well established celebrity agency, we have an extensive list of contacts and can help you to book many celebrities, regardless of whether we provide exclusive representation for them.

We can help you hire a celebrity for personal appearances, corporate events, festivals, TV, product launches or any other function. In the past, we have worked with celebrities including Pamela Anderson, Andrea Bocelli and the stars of GLEE, booking them for major events with large organisations.

Big Talent Group can also work to help align celebrities to your brand for endorsements. We understand the importance of having the ‘right’ celebrities using your products and realise how much value this can add.
Business Services

Looking to book a Celebrity for an Event?

Looking to book a Celebrity for an Event?

Big Talent Group is a leading celebrity talent booking agency. Using our extensive list of contacts we have a range of celebrities that will be perfect for your next event.

At Big Talent Group we are proud to be able to supply you with Artists from the world of television, radio, sports and the UK’s charts. Big Talent Group work with a number of stakeholders, both individuals and organisations, to fulfil their celebrity booking needs.

As well as clients that we represent exclusively, Big Talent Group also has the capacity to supply many celebrities. In the past, we have booked many celebrities including Pamela Anderson, stars of GLEE, Andrea Bocelli and more.

Looking for a Celebrity Agent?

Looking for a Celebrity Agent?

Big Talent Group have acted as a Celebrity Agent for many clients over the years, and our current celebrity roster can be viewed by clicking here. Big Talent Group represent a diverse range of celebrities, ranging from recording artists to entrepreneurs, actors, politicians, presenters and reality stars, who are either starting their career, already well-established, or looking to re-launch their career and re-build their profile.

However what is unique across all our clients is their ambition and commitment to achieving their goals. The first question we ask any potential celebrity client is what they would look to do in the long-term. Then, with the client’s long-term ambitions in-mind, Big Talent Group will devise a strategy to achieve the goals of celebrity clients.

This includes, and is not limited to, booking TV appearances and interviews, negotiating with and placing articles in the press, seeking out endorsement opportunities with major brands, liaising with PRs for invitations to high-profile events, and social media advice.

Big Talent Group seek to build-up client’s profiles in a steady and controlled manner to maximise the longevity of their career in the public eye. We are regularly contacted by celebrities seeking representation, however we will not take-on a new client unless we are confident that we can take their career to the next level.

With extensive contacts in the media, Big Talent Group can also offer expertise in crisis management. We will always strive to protect and enhance the images of our celebrity clients.
Location & Hours

3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street

Marylebone, W1B 2HH
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